Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have so much to do and not enough time. Ok well let's be honest I probably would have enough time if I would just go home and get to it. But instead I go home sit on the couch and find some terrible tv show to watch. Then 9 pm comes around and I wonder where my evening went. Ugh I need some motivation I have a to do list 5 miles long.

The above is me NOT being productive, but I love my new necklace my mum bought me that I had to share it! Also I finally feel like my tattoo is starting to come together, isn't it so pretty!

Much Love

P.S. Husband and I got the new iphones for our birthdays. I. am. in. love. I'm pretty much ruined from every other phone.


  1. I want an iphone so bad! My phone is retro. But it works..
    Also I always do that..mean to accomplish stuff and then end up watching t.v...or blogging!

  2. Ditto on the iPhone. Just be careful if you put it in your back pocket.... They can fall out. And they can't swim.
