Lobster Balloons.

I knew on the ride to Utah that I was going to marry the boy next me, and to my surprise he knew that too. In June he started telling me to pick out some rings I liked. I didn't really take him seriously and kind of looked but I wasn't in a hurry, until one day he called and told me to pick out a ring in the next couple days or he was going to do it for me. After talking with some girlfriends I sent him a picture of the ring I wanted. Not knowing he was going to buy it that day, take his parents out to dinner that night and tell them we were getting married. Over the next couple of weeks the anticipation of him proposing was killing me. I couldn't wait. Well, it didn't happen and I put it out of my mind.

Over Labor Day weekend we went to his Euro Train reunion in Denver, and by this point the thought of getting engaged was a thousand miles away. We got back from our trip on Sunday and little did I know the next day was going to be one of the best/most hilarious days of my life.

Monday was a day like any other day. I was at work talking to my friend Stacy when all of the sudden a GIANT lobster walks in with 5 of his best friends, and a balloon bouquet. Real quick back story on the lobster costume: when I first moved to Utah we were talking about people getting engaged with rings in lobster claws, I told him that if he ever did something like that I would say no, to which he replied "fine then, I will just dress up like one." I laughed and brushed it off. Back to the story. I instantly turned red. Let me tell you about the office I was working in, there weren't any cubicles or separate rooms so everyone could see everything. All of the sudden future husband in a lobster costume was on one knee asking me to marry him. Of course I said yes, bright red face and all, plus I was sweating, it was not attractive. I remember everything about that day so clearly and will never forget. Plus I have a dvd of the proposal, with our friend Channing is in the background saying "Danielle, just punch him. You know you want to." Nice Channing, thats exactly what I want to hear when looking back on that day. I also have the balloons they presented me with. They say Happy Birthday, I Love You, and World's Greatest Grandpa. I think the balloons pretty much sum up our relationship and I love it.

We were married 4 months later in front of our family and best friends where there weren't any lobsters or balloons.